Since we received a lot of requests for REACH registrations in the last period, the news below will be positive for many of you.
ECHA is preparing a webinar on February 8, 2023 at 11:00 a.m. (GMT +2) with the title: "Completeness check of REACH registration dossiers: what changes in 2023 and how you can prepare".
The European Commission has revised some of the information requirements for registering chemicals under REACH (Action 1, Action 2).
And therefore, this webinar will be focuses on the new and amended completeness check rulesDue to the revisions, this webinar will focus on the new and amended completeness check rules to help you prepare a complete REACH registration. They will also give you an overview of the process in general.
Completeness check will be aligned with the revised information requirements in May 2023, after the next major IUCLID release.
You can join webinar from ECHA home page on 8 February at 11:00 EET, GMT +2.
No registration required.

You can check REACH registration process described in our blog POST. Of course, you can always contact us also at