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Conditions for the sale of electronic cigarettes

Recently, so-called electronic cigarettes or shorter e-cigarettes have become very popular. As a result, their supply increases along with demand.

Did you know that you need a chemical consultant (in Slovenia), CLP label, a safety data sheet and UFI code with PCN notification to sell them?

Below are the requirements that you must meet before starting to sell electronic cigarettes on Slovenian market in regard to chemical legislation.

Electronic cigarettes and containers must be marked in accordance with the CLP Regulation (which is the responsibility of the Chemicals Office of the Republic of Slovenia). Other requirements for the sale of these products are covered by the so-called tobacco legislation (which is the responsibility of the Ministry of Health).

  • The sale of electronic cigarettes is regulated by the Chemicals Act (ZKem), which stipulates that it is first necessary to obtain a Permit for the activity of sell of dangerous chemicals, issued by the Chemicals Office, after payment of a fee in the amount of 236 €+ 4.5 €

  • The condition for obtaining a permit is the appointment or conclusion of a contract with a chemical consultant, which is a service we are happy to provide to you.

  • For all products / flavours, you must provide appropriate safety data sheets in national language. Our team of appropriately trained chemical consultants can also help you with this, as they can produce safety data sheets in all European languages.

  • The products must have appropriate CLP labels.

  • When liquids for electric cigarettes are classified as very dangerous:

- acutely toxic (oral, dermal, inhalation), hazard categories 1, 2 and 3,

- germ cell mutagenicity, hazard categories 1A and 1B,

- carcinogens, hazard categories 1A and 1B,

- toxic for reproduction, hazard categories 1A and 1B,

- specifically toxic to individual organs in case of single exposure, hazard category 1,

- specifically toxic to individual organs in case of repeated exposure, hazard category 1,

the user must (in accordance with Article 47 of the ZKem) submit a valid identity document when collecting the chemical, and legal and natural persons who are trading with them must record any occurrence of issuing a chemical.

These records must contain the following information:

- information on the chemical (name or trade name, quantity issued, expiry date, if any),

- the purpose of use, where this is not self-evident,

- information on the recipient (name, surname and year of birth, or his personal identification number, address),

- handwritten signature of the consignee and the person who issued the chemical.

The record data shall be kept with legal and natural persons for at least 5 years and shall be forwarded to the authority responsible for chemicals upon request.

Chemicals may not be dispensed to persons under the age of 18.

  • Packaging containing very dangerous chemicals must be fitted with a tactile warning and a child-resistant closure. To see which products need a tactile warning or a secure closure, please check our article HERE.

  • Hazardous chemicals must be reported also to the Chemicals Office in the ISK system (Chemicals Information System).

You want to start selling hazardous chemicals and you don't know where to start? Contact us ( and we will gladly guide you through all the required steps.


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