Example below represents a draft multi-language label for a typical consumer chemical (decorative paint) for supply and use.
All obligatory labelling information is shown:
- the product identifiers,
- the identity of the supplier,
- the signal word,
- the hazard and precautionary statements and
- the obligatory supplemental information, in particular information in accordance with Directive 2004/42/EC on the limitation of emissions of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) due to the use of organic solvents in certain paints and varnishes and vehicle refinishing products, and
- the UFI code (in this example, the same UFI code has been used in the submission in each Member State).
In some cases, it is also necessary to add to the label the substance that contributed to the final classification of the product.

The UFI can alternatively be placed outside of the label (e.g. printed or affixed on the inner packaging) but right next to the other obligatory CLP label elements.
As regards to the multi-language label in several MSs, it should be clearly stated on the label to which country the specific UFI code applies, unless the same apply(ies) to all countries where the mixture is placed on the market.
In cases where a different UFI is used in each Member State (not recommended), it has to be clear which UFI is relevant for each Member State (e.g. the relevant UFI with a country code should be placed with the label elements of the applicable language(s) of that Member State).
In accordance with CLP Article 32(3), the hazard and precautionary statements of one language are located together on the label.
As the chemical is supplied to the general public, its nominal quantity is also provided on the label.
Beyond the obligatory label elements, non-obligatory supplemental information is shown.
This example label separates the CLP label elements from the supplemental information. The CLP label elements are located in a more eye-catching position on the label while the supplemental information can be found rather in the margins of the label.
The texts reflecting the supplemental information appear in slightly smaller letters than the CLP label elements.
The size of this label is intended to be 125 mm x 150 mm when applied on the packaging. This means that the real label will be considerably larger than the minimum label size for a 1 litre package (52 x 74 mm) required under the CLP Regulation.
The pictogram size of 19 x 19 mm is less than 1/15th of the area of the whole label, but greater than 1/15th of the area dedicated to the information required by CLP Article 17.
If you need help arranging UFI codes or CLP labels, we are the right address for you. Contact us: info@chem-consulting.si
SOURCE: ECHA Guidance on labelling and packaging in accordance with Regulation (EC) No 1272/2008