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Four hazardous chemicals added to the Candidate List

ECHA added four hazardous chemicals to the Candidate List of substances of very high concern (SVHC).

One of the four substances is used in cosmetic products and has been added to the Candidate List as it has hormone-disrupting properties in humans.

Two are used, for example, in rubbers, lubricants and sealants, and have been included because they negatively affect fertility.

The fourth is used in lubricants and greases and has been added as it is persistent, bioaccumulative and toxic, and therefore harmful for the environment.

Entries added to the Candidate List on 17 January 2022:

The SVHC List now contains 223 entries for chemicals that can harm people or the environment. Companies are responsible for managing the chemicals safely and providing sufficient information to their customers and consumers.

Consequences of the Candidate List

Under the REACH Regulation, companies have legal obligations when their substance is included – either on its own, in mixtures or in articles – in the Candidate List.

Any supplier of articles containing a Candidate List substance above a concentration of 0.1 % (weight by weight) has to give sufficient information to their customers and consumers to allow safe use. Consumers have the right to ask suppliers whether products they buy contain substances of very high concern.

Importers and producers of articles have to notify ECHA if their article contains a Candidate List substance within six months from the date it has been included in the list (17 January 2022). Suppliers of substances on the Candidate List (supplied either on their own or in mixtures) have to provide their customers with a safety data sheet.

They also have to notify ECHA under the Waste Framework Directive if their products contain substances of very high concern in a concentration above 0.1 % (weight by weight). This notification is published in the SCIP database on the Agency’s website.

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