While searching for information on the labelling of e-cigarettes (puffs) and the requirements related to the UFI code and PCN notification, we came across very useful Guideline for Labeling of Liquids and Predecessor Products, created by The Association of eCigarettes e.V Germany.
As they wrote in the document: "The purpose of this guideline is to give the user an introductory guide to the labeling of liquids and precursors such as flavours, bases, shots and shortfills. It represents a compact, clear and as extensive as possible collection of the regulations which must be adhered to when these products are placed on the market in Germany."
We would just like to point out that the guidelines do not cover requirements related to the UFI code and PCN notification. In accordance with the current chemical legislation, e-liquids fall under the obligations of the UFI code and the notification of Poison Centres.
We already wrote about the requirements related to the sale of electronic cigarettes and UFI codes / PCN notifications in blog post, which is available HERE.
You can rely on us for high-quality chemical documentation (UFI codes, PCN notifications, safety data sheets for all EU countries). Contact us to info@chem-consulting.si for non-binding offer.