The scope of REACH registrations is governed by Regulation (EC) 1907/2006, which requires manufacturers and importers of 1 tonne or more of substances per year to report information on the properties of the substance to the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) in the form of a registration dossier.
The first step in the substance registration process is to submit a inquiry. After a successful inquiry, it is necessary to prepare and submit registration documentation to the Agency, either together with other registrants or individually.
As REACH expert, Chem Consulting supports you in all your REACH registration procedures. Our team advise you, carry out your substance registrations and ensure the updates of your dossiers over time.
What is REACH registration?
REACH establishes procedures for collecting and assessing information on the properties and hazards of substances. It was adopted to improve the protection of human health and the environment from the risks that can be posed by chemicals.
REACH registration is based on the principle "one substance, one registration". This means that manufacturers and importers of the same substance have to submit their registration jointly.
The core principle of the REACH regulation is “no data, no market”. In other words, you should not place more than 1 tonne of a substance on the market unless you have done a REACH registration for it.
What is REACH registration number?
Once the registration is complete the REACH-IT system at ECHA automatically assigns a registration number to the registrant for the substance concerned. The assigned REACH registration number must then be included in the safety data sheets and communicated down the supply chain.
The REACH number therefore proves that you have fulfilled your legal obligations.
The registration is assigned for the tonnage band referred to in the notification of the substance. As soon as the actual volume differs from this initial tonnage band the registrant will have to update his registration dossier.
Is REACH compliance mandatory?
To determine REACH compliance, companies must identify and manage the risks linked to the substances they manufacture / use. They have to demonstrate to ECHA how they’ve made sure the substance can be safely used without harming the end customer.
Substances are under the REACH microscope if you use them in quantities over 1 ton per year.
To ensure REACH compliance, downstream users shall ask for REACH & CLP compliant SDSs from their suppliers and follow corresponding risk management measures.
In the process of creating the individual part of the dossier, we carry out:
A review of documentation and conduct an inquiry to ECHA;
Advising on the selection of appropriate analytical methods;
Collection and review of the necessary data for the preparation of the individual part of the dossier;
Communication with consortia / SIEFs and representation of the client's interests;
Carrying out the LoA purchase process;
Review of the consistency of the data with the data of the main registrant,
Entry of required data in IUCLID;
Examination of the technical completeness of the dossier;
Export of the dossier file in the .i6z format;
Submission of the dossier to ECHA;
Handover of the .i6z file to the client;
Obtaining a REACH registration number.
Our team has already completed many successful projects. If you also need help, do not hesitate to contact us for non-obligatory offer.